Aplikasi GPdI El-Shaddai Magelang telah melakukan perubahan dalam bentuk semakin mudah digunakan bagi jemaat, banyak fitur-fitur yang berubah dari aplikasi sebelumnya, tampilan dan fungsi dari aplikasi GPdI El-Shaddai Magelang semakin mudah digunakan, kami kedepan akan semakin berusaha semaksimal mungkin untuk memberi pelayanan terbaik.
Open the El_Shaddai Apps 4.0 locally in your browser
This app was not approved and the APK cannot be downloaded from our AppStore. However, you can still open the app (the App URL) directly from your browser without installing it on your device.
Please note that the official way to install apps is through official App stores like the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store.
Turn your website into a dedicated App
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